Hi Kyle,
I just wanted to share this with you…there are 2 new vaping prevention ads that came through from Rescue out of the States.
This organization has been in the behaviour change business for over a decade and has focused a lot on tobacco prevention messaging.
I wanted to flag these new ads to demonstrate how on pointe you guys are at Addrenaline with your campaign messaging. Check out both ads they developed and you will see how similar they are to our messaging including even making a play off the Juul name. Rescue goes above and beyond when it comes to only putting things out that are steeped in evidence and yet they came out with similar messages as you developed for Vepidemic.
Similar to when the Truth campaign came out with their Vaping prevention ad which was a satirical rap video AFTER we had released Lil’ Vape.
I just wanted to share this with you so that you can see that not only are you guys on pointe with the 2 largest tobacco prevention marketing campaigns but in both instances you developed the concepts first!!!
All of the red tape we have been hit with over the past year is unfortunate and frustrating but I wanted to just reiterate that we really value all the work you guys do and that you are awesome. It sucks that we can’t run like these other campaigns (Government funded and all) but it is still nice to know that we did it first and that we were right in our approach.